2216 N. Broadway Minot, ND 58703

Certificated Flight Instructor Instrument


About the Program

As an instrument instructor you have the credentials to train pilots to receive their
instrument rating. This will grow your knowledge and skill as a proficient instrument pilot.


A person who applies for an Certificated Flight Instructor Instrument must:

  • Be at least 18 years of age
  • Be able to read, speak, write, and understand the English language
  • Hold a 3rd class medical or better
  • Ground school
  • Complete certificated flight instructor instrument flight training
  • Pass the flight instructor instrument knowledge test
  • Pass Certificated Flight Instructor Instrument (CFI-I) practical test
  • Get paid while instructing instrument students and pilots
  • Administer Instrument Proficiency Checks (IPC)
  • Increase your instrument skills and proficiency
  • Build flight time
Your Certificated Flight Instructor Instrument Road Map

Embark on your journey to obtaining a Certificated Flight Instructor Instrument with our comprehensive road map, guiding you through every step of the way.

1. Prerequisites

You will need your private certificate, instrument rating, and commercial certificate.

2. Instrument Currency

Brush up on instrument procedures and complete an IPC if needed.

3. Ground School

If it has been a while since you have done your instrument training, you may want to invest in an online ground school course. Otherwise, dust off those old textbooks.

4. Written Test

You can take the written test at any point of your training, but it is recommended to get it done sooner rather than later.

5. Lesson Plans

Decide what you are going to do for lesson plans. You can take the time to write them word by word, buy them, or edit purchased plans to fit your preference. Whatever you decide, try to have them early on, so you have more time to familiarize yourself.

6. Dual Flights

Fly with your instructor to make sure your instrument procedures are top notch. To gain some experience, take pilot friends up with you to “teach” after you have had some practice with your instructor.

7. Checkride

Once you’ve received the endorsement from your instructor, schedule that checkride.

8. Currency

A CFI-I certificate needs to be renewed every 24 calendar months, with the added factor of staying instrument current. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Your most frequently asked questions.

Different instructors will offer varying opinions. Some say “knock it all out” while others prefer to start with their CFI and continue once they have some instruction experience. Just keep in mind that your CFI-I process may take longer if you have not maintained proficiency in your instrument knowledge and skills.

There is no set requirement as it varies from person to person. You can be ready in 4-6 weeks with some focused work and the availability of the examiner to schedule the check ride.